Speaker Marketing Master
with Mark Black

Everything you need to know to start making $2000+ per presentation

Learn the Strategies
that Actually Work

You don't have to stumble around for months or years trying to figure out how to get someone to book you to speak.


 Save yourself time and money and learn what actually works and gets results. 

Build the Assets You Need to Get Booked

To succeed in the speaking industry requires a specific set of tools. Without them, you will always struggle to succeed.

This program shows you what those tools are and how to develop yours.

Implement a System that Provides Consistent Leads

Too many speakers have a business that alternates between "feast or famine". They market and sell to book speeches and then while they are giving those speeches, they aren't marketing and the calendar dries up.

You don't want that. Learn how to implement a proven marketing and sales system that ensures you always have leads in the pipeline.


Graduates of this program have gone on to get booked at schools, conferences and corporate events.

A recent student booked more than $6000 in speaking fees in his first 90 days.

Dr. Elizabeth Wells

I loved this course. It was well-paced, excellently facilitated, and was so very helpful and informative.

Mark is a great teacher and he knows this field inside and out both as a practitioner and a coach.

Well worth it! I've already made back more than the cost of program using what I learned!

Justin Ryan

Mark's program on learning to be a paid speaker changed the way I think about my business and my future.

I've already made $10,000 in additional revenue thanks to what I learned in this program.

Sarah Kinlin

I already had my first speech booked before the end of the session, despite not yet having set up any of the framework to go looking!

I already had my first speech booked before the end of the session, despite not yet having set up any of the framework to go looking!

The only regret you will have is not signing up.

How it Works

Weekly Live
Video Training

You get 12 weekly LIVE trainings with Mark teaching you everything you need to know to build your speaking business.

Coaching Sessions

You get 3 individual coaching sessions with Mark to work on the specifics of your message and your business.


Leverage the power of diverse perspectives and get support when you run into a roadblock in the private group. 

Why You Want Mark as Your Coach 

Mark has been speaking professionally for nearly two decades. He has worked with Fortune 700 companies and has spoken to more than 175,000 people from Halifax to Honolulu.

Mark has worked with several speakers at various in their speaking journey and helped them to clarify their message, their market, and their marketing to book more gigs; make more money, and help more people.

Kevin Wood

If you are on the fence, just do it.

It’s worth it!

Krista Steeves

Mark's program on learning to be a paid speaker changed the way I think about my business and my future.

I've already made $10,000 in additional revenue thanks to what I learned in this program.

Adam Gould

One of the best investments I’ve ever made!

This is a course of tremendous value for those looking to get into speaking.

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